Monday, April 24, 2017

Dmitri Shostakovich in April and Shirley Ho in May 2017

During the months of April and May, our Music Section friends will explore various musical genres, styles, venues, and cultural eras.

Being at UCLA, the only problem is to make choices between performances, artists, and amazing venues we have around us.

On Sunday April 23 at 4-6 PM, The UCLA Alpert School of Music presented "A Poet's Cabaret," at Schoenberg Hall. Jack Perla was the featured composer and pianist, with an amazing group of UCLA opera and voice students. In addition, Jeffrey Ho performed Perla's (2010) beautiful sonatina, "Wait Here" in 4 movements (with some improv) accompanied by Mr. Perla. "Betty Box Office (2008) was performed by talented Julia Stuart, Thomas Hollow, and Christopher Hunter.

Jack Perla, Victoria Kirsch, with wonderful UCLA students after the performance
of THE WORLD (2012)
If possible, please attend the concert by UCLA Philharmonia on April 27th at 8 PM. The program includes the performance of the Eleventh Symphony in G minor (1957) also known as "The Year 1905" by Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975). The symphony draws its material from popular urban revolutionary song of the 19th and early 20th centuries. You may feel the influence of G. Mahler with percussive march imagery and epic scale of this symphonic work.
General admission.
See you at the concert!! Looking forward to it.

To prep for the concert, you may want to hear Shostakovich's works at NPR:

May 17th at 12:30 AM is reserved for the vocal performance of our own Shirley Ho at her residence in Brentwood. Directions will be given by Shirley. We will need two volunteers of that Music Section event.

Fowler Musem, photo below, is truly one among UCLA's many treasure; currently, it is featuring Indian jewelry, African print fashion, spectacular masquerade from Sierra Leone, as well as lectures, regional music ensembles, and affordable items in their gift shop.
Fowler Museum at UCLA

Enduring splendor: Jewelry of India
African-print fashion

1 comment:

  1. Look at for events in April and May 2017.
    LACO performed Beethoven's Ninth on Sunday at 7 PM as well at Royce Hall.
    UCLA's Student Stars this year perform -- now at Royce Hall. Gen admission
