The UCLA's Faculty Women's Club was honored earlier today by the presence of Ivan and his wife Tzvetanka's live concert. Here's a very brief sample of their superb performance of a Bulgarian folk song accompanied by bagpipe and tamboura.
Tzvetanka and Ivan sang, played, and answered questions regarding oral tradition as a way of learning folk heritage including songs and dances. Tzvetanka commented on lyrics, explained rhythmic structures, and melodic characteristics of different regions.
Tzvetanka Varimezova, May 20th 2015 |
Ivan and Tzvetanka were dressed in authentically embroidered costumes of the region their music originated from. Here is the article which was published in
Daily Bruin on December 3, 2015 under the headline of "Sounds of Schoenberg"
Ivan Varimezov, May 20th 2015 |
Music Section attendees (from left):
Noel, Rochelle, Fabio (guest), Jo Knopoff (special guest)
Zorana (music section chair), Arlene, IVAN, TZVETANKA,
Jarka (Hostess), Debby, Sandy, Shirley, Madonna, Joy |
Here are a few additional photos of the Music Program -- 2014-15 inaugural season:
Jarka, Zorana, Ivan, Tzvetanka |
Much appreciated bottle of Czech's "becherovka" strong herbal liqeurs) |
Madonna's Birthday! She created a time to beautifully express her feelings in a letter below. |
We also danced "kolo": Shirley, Madonna, (not in the photo are also Jarka and Zorana) |
Arlene and Shirley |
Rochelle, Sandy, Joy |
Jo, Zorana, Arlene, Rochelle, Sandy, Joy, Shirley |
Superb artists |
Someone has said that an image is worth a thousand words, so yesterday May 19th, we celebrated our Spring Luncheon 2015, and here are just a few photos from that celebratory event and program, ENJOY these unique moments:
Carol Betti, UCLA FWC President 2015-2016 |
Claudia Mirchell-Kernan, VP-Programs, introduces our speaker Marla C.Berns |
Claudia and Marla at the UCLA's FWC 2015 Spring Luncheon |
Jo Knopoff (middle) with Penny Hutchinson (right) and Maria Runnegar |
The roses are presented to the FWC past presidents |
Sonny Harris is named Outstanding FWC member |
Table #3: Debby, the Bettis, Geraldine, Joy, Jarka, Zorana, Marla, and Claudia |
Marla C. Berns--our invited speaker (from right), Zorana (President 2012-2013), Jarka, Joy |
Dear One and All,
ReplyDeleteThank you for these photos and special moments. I felt very honored to be with our wonderful UCLA FWC yesterday- and noting some of these ladies I have known for more than 20 years is truly meaningful. It was important to think back upon my days at/with/for UCLA and feel the value of that going forward.
It's especially enriching and healing (as I know music always is) during the first year of the music section that I start and am opening a new chapter in my life and get such a lovely blessing from you.
While standing about the refreshment table, it felt as if "larks" just showed up out of the wilderness and as I paused and took another but precious step in time they sang me very subtly sweet and happy birthday song (especially yours-Shirley), that then topped off by our all essential chairwoman 'Zorana with her ahhh inspiring healthy and lovingly supportive champagne toast and that she put it my birthday in print on the meetings program of the day, rang in my 60s with the intelligencia (as I call you all) with a very special joy and a good needed shot in the arm.
Oh and then we got to the main focus of the meeting - the real focus of the program started but for me it was as if an exclusive party- a private concert of music to listen, learn and dance to as the UCLAs ethno-musicology professors taught us of their Bulgarian folk music and in the art of Jarkas and Tom Wilcox (physisits) home - I felt surrounded by what is the essence of world art and culture.
Wow and then I was invited up to dance (and complimented by the Czech/Argentinan pianist), together with you -we did hoof and puff it around the room as if fulfilling a terpsichorean.
gift to celebrate and delight in my time.
It is so and now etched as a most special part of my turning point (60) birthday memory, forever. Thank you!!!