Thursday, August 15, 2024


SUMMER 2024 (July - August - September)

Did you know that MUSIC was a part of FWC Programs as early as 1922?

WORTH NOTING: The FWC Program (1922) included music -- before Sections had been introduced

From: Personal Reminiscences of the
First Twenty Five Presidents of the
Faculty Women's Club
University of California, Los Angeles 1918-1946

Early programs (General Meetings), besides music, included presentations on
travel, political and historical topics, as well as literature

With this in mind, Music in Cultural Contexts Section starts off our new Year 2024-2025 with a wonderful music recital, featuring Ginger Rose Brucker, a recipient of the FWC 2024 Scholarship and Jennifer Jo

Ginger Rose Brucker, harp and Jennifer Jo, flute

The recital will be held on October 16th 2024 at 12 noon
We will meet at the Faculty Club LIBRARY!! 

The program will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

Please calendar the date for this very special event

Special collection resources are available to you at UCLA's Special Collections Library. It is part of a larger umbrella set of collections known as ONLINE ARCHIVE of CALIFORNIA. Our FWC archival materials are organized in UCLA's Special Collections Library located in the Young Research Library. 

NOTE: A special 1-hour workshop will be given to you in January 2025 (part of the Music Section programming). The purpose is to learn about our own personal and family primary sources and archival materials. In addition, the presenter will show us how to care, organize, and curate our own family archival documents (e.g., photos, letters, correspondence, and other personal documents).

From early technologies of a printing press and card catalogs
to digital media
(In the reception area of the Special Collection Library, UCLA)

Special Collection Library -- archival collections

The Los Angeles Normal School was to be converted into a four-year degree-giving university, and one of our iconic buildings, The Royce Hall was finished in 1928 (Latin numerals MCMXXVIII are inscribed above the main portal to the building):


Recently we have seen some historical texts inscribed on plaques
related to the UCLA Centennial celebration 1919-2019
Detailed sources are also found in the UCLA's Special Collection Library

Finding a space was always on the agenda of FWC board meetings. It took another 30 years that the UCLA Faculty Center opened its doors in 1954, as a separate entity from the UCLA Faculty Men's Club, UCLA Faculty Women's Club, and Association of Academic Women.

A PERFECT DAY: Starting off with a morning gym; meeting with a dear colleague for an extended coffee break at our beloved Faculty Club (earlier Faculty Center; the photo of the Playa lounge below):

Wonderful space at the Faculty Club where one reads, discusses, meets
with colleagues, sips coffee/tea, reads, and meditates

Moving on to HAMMER Museum for the exhibition and the preview of tonight's jazzPOP 2024 concert Details are here for the tonight's show.

Just around the corner from the HAMMER'S is one the favorite most charming French bistro Violet.

And here we are (Daniele, Melissa, Dorota, Zorana) enjoying delicious Salad Nicoise, and suggesting to revive "let's do lunch" as part of our MUSIC IN CULTURAL CONTEXTS Section. 

MUSIC was on FWC Programs from the very beginning. See Program notes earlier on this page.

Zorana, Dorota, Melissa, Daniele

At the same time, you can be viewing a retrospective of the late artists DAVID MEDALLA. A few of his works are captured here for you as a temptation to personally visit the exhibit. The Gallery closes at 6 pm.

David Medalla, 1938-2020, Self Portrait

Cloud Canyons at Signals London 1964
"bubble machines" consisting of soft columns of soap foam oozing
from clear tubes and wooden bases 

Thursday, August 1, 2024



The last in the Series of

THE H. J. BRUMAN Summer Chamber Music Festival (August 8th 2024)

ensemble132 brought us wonderful music offerings in terms of the program and performance

Violinist Maria Ioudenitch, Zachary Mowitz, cello, and Zhanbo Zheng, violinist

The Program included works by Hungarian composers E. Dohnanyi (1877-1960), and Z. Kodaly (1882-1967). The second part included a rarely heard piece by a French composer Jean Cras (1879-1932). Here are the snippets from the performance. Such a treat to listen to all four recitals, BRAVO!!

Serenade for Strings by Erno Dohnanyi

String Trio by Jean Cras

Special THANK YOU note goes to our FWC Music Section Members 
who attended many of the BRUMAN concerts

CELLO and PIANO RECITAL was the third recital in 

The Henry J. BRUMAN Summer Chamber Music Festival

The Program included well known composers and often performed pieces on various Los Angeles concert stages. However, like always in the BRUMAN series of chamber music, some of the pieces by Haydn (1732-1809) or Beethoven (1770-18270 are not well known to the general music audiences. 

Today's concert, August 6th, featured two outstanding chamber music artists, cellist Jennifer Kloetzel and pianist Robert Koenig. Here are several snippets of their performance: 

 Joseph Haydn Divertimento in D (arranged by Piatigorsky for Cello & Piano).

Ms. Kloetzel, a graduate of the Juilliard School and Fulbright Scholar, is known for her elegant playing and vibrant tone. She gave informative introductions to each of the composers on the Program.

Who has not heard various renditions of Hungarian rhapsodies, based on well known Hungarian folk tunes and polyrhythmic structures? Yes, we remember some of Liszt's and pieces by Brahms. Another Hungarian composer, David Popper (1843-1913) did his own renditions. 

See you at the upcoming concert

Thursday, August 8, 2024, with the ENSEMBLE132

August 1st has a wonderful program for us with great artists:

August 1st, at 12 noon to 1:00 p.m., Lani Hall UCLA

The program includes two sonatas without intermission. 
Do spend some time with the artists who will be available for QA after the Program:

Who is the composer, a musician, as illustrated below?

The correct answer will bring you nice present

Friday, July 26, 2024


Here is what we have for you starting as I write this BLOG post, all FREE OF CHARGE, one of the perks this Music Section gives to FWC member. 

Summer Special Days

We will start off with The Henry J. BRUMAN SUMMER Chamber Music Festival at Lani Hall, UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, this coming Tuesday, July 30th, at Noon - 1:00 p.m. 

We plan to socialize, optional, right after each of the concerts with delicious light and healthy lunch meals at the Faculty Club (just across the street from the Herb Alpert School of Music).

                                                        The PROGRAM for July 30th

Andrew McIntosh, violinist, violist, composer and
Steven Vanhauwaert, pianist, at this time introducing
Paul Hindemith, 1895-1963,
prolific music productivity

Note: Extensive program notes are published at each of the recitals (July 30, August 1, 6, 8), each starting at the same place and time, Noon to 1:00 p.m. There is an easy access to the Lani Hall !

At the July 30th concert, you will find program notes for the rest of The BRUMAN Summer Festival. 

SPECIAL BONUS: Each of the performers is outstanding artist, devoted teacher, lecturer, and leader in the art of chamber performance and (music) education. We can learn a lot from these outstanding artists, and I encourage you to greet them and chat with them after their programs.

And here is a subset of our Music Section:

So great to spend the time together at the concert:
PRE-Concert, at the performance, and especially at the POST-Concert with a delicious lunch

CDs published by the artists
I borrowed from Daniele who purchased the CDs 
and kindly lent me to listen

Here is a brief program for the AUGUST 1st, again with the same setting for the venue, time, and an optional lunch at the Faculty Club.

Some of the same artists are active in the Mammoth Lakes area. I had a privilege of attending some of their concerts under the name CHAMBER MUSIC UNBOUND all held at Cerro Coso College in Mammoth Lake. 

COFFEE TIME, or any substitutes for "coffee" is always welcome: a cup of tea, a glass of wine, my favorite is the coffee at the sunrise at the elevation of about 8,000 ft in the high Sierras. Here it is !

Hope to see you all July 30th and at the subsequent recitals throughout the BRUMAN Music Festival.

Let us connect, actively participate, hear one another, and listen to good music: you can find all that right here, at our events and programs.